Camp Cabin Has Walls

Shari and I made a quick trip up to the property to drop off some insulation on Wednesday night. When we arrived we were greeted by walls! Not only were the exterior, 10-foot walls erected, but the joist work for the loft was also complete. We are excited to see if the rafters and roof get installed before the weekend.

House wrap on three of the four sides.
Looking out towards the front of the cabin.
Standing in the bedroom looking towards the kitchen/dining room area.

Construction on the Cabin Proper Begins

I spoke with the builder this past week and he told me that on Thursday, August 24th we would have a load of lumber delivered to the build site. Of course I was anxious to get up to the site to see the pile of lumber (and any progress that was made). With my drone in tow, I made it up to the build site for the cabin and grabbed these photos of the piles of lumber, and the progress.

The decking is in place and partially covered with a tarp.
Here you can see the outhouse and where it is positioned relative to the cabin.
A closeup view of the downhill side of the cabin.

Building an Outhouse: Part 2

Got back up to the property to do more work on the outhouse. We drove up Friday evening with 14 sheets of OSB in the back of the truck and everything we needed to put up the walls and put on the roof. After two long, hard days of working, the outhouse is ready for shingles and some siding!

The outhouse is ready to be sided and shingled. Just need a door and some additional work to the inside.
View from the back shows the little window we included.

Next weekend I hope to be able to install part of the venting as well as some fascia and drip flashing for the roof. Once the construction on the cabin wraps up, we can use leftover material from it (board and batten siding and perhaps metal roofing) to finish the exterior of the outhouse.


Building An Outhouse: Part 1

OK, so maybe not part 1 as I already posted some pictures where we put the concrete pylons in the ground and built the joist work for the floor. But this past weekend had me making some real progress on the outhouse proper.

We sheathed the floor with plywood and erected the stud walls. We also built the trusses and put them into place. A big shout-out to my brother-in-law Jim, and my wife Shari, for all their assistance this past weekend.

Framing is in place for the outhouse, complete with front porch.

This upcoming weekend has me heading back up to the property to put the sheathing on the roof and the walls. I will put house wrap on the walls, place the window, and put tar paper on the roof. The contractor building the main cabin (which is supposed to begin on Tuesday, August 22nd) will put the metal roof on as well as install the board and batten siding.

Since it has been a while since I posted a picture from the trail camera (or CritterCam as we like to call it), I thought I’d post an interesting picture I captured from this past week. Seems we have kangaroo roaming the woods of North Central Pennsylvania.

A kangaroo in Pennsylvania?

Camp Cabin Has A Driveway

This past week the driveway for the cabin was installed. Quite a bit of dirt was excavated to put in the driveway along with the turn-around/parking area. Doug did a great job!

Standing at the corner of the parking area, looking up the driveway.

Doug also did the back fill around the posts on the post-and-beam foundation. Now all we need is some temporary power service and construction on the cabin can begin.

Posts are back filled. You can also see the big piles of dirt removed during the excavation of the driveway.

Speaking of construction, I started a bit of my own. With regards to the outhouse, I poured the concrete pylons, installed posts, and assembled the joist work. Next steps will be to install the sheeting for the sub-floor, put up the walls, build the rafters, and install a roof. However, I am going to need electricity to do all of that. Let’s hope they get the temporary electric service installed soon.

Joist work completed for the outhouse.