Stairs and a Spring Snow

The first part of April I spent a good bit of time making stair treads. These treads, and risers, were made from locally purchased oak boards. Once I had the treads and risers complete, I headed up to the cabin to install them. During my visit, I was taken a bit by surprise from a late season snow. April 17th, a time when buds should be starting to come out on the trees, and the arrival of Trout season, and we were treated to over 8″ of snow! Luckily temperatures warmed back up quickly and the snow did not stay around.

Starting to install new treads and risers on the stairs.
The solid oak staircase is now completed.
A surprise, late season snow dumped 8 inches of snow on us in the middle of April.
Luckily, two days later, almost all of the snow has melted.