Sink Installed and Maple Syrup Made

Work on the cabin continues. With the counter tops installed on the kitchen cabinets, I went ahead and installed the sink. We do not have running water, but it will be nice to have a sink to store and clean up dishes. A bucket under the drain catches the rinse water. Just need to remember to empty the bucket before it overflows.

Kitchen sink installed.

Something that I have always wanted to do was to make maple syrup. During the summer months, I marked a couple maple trees on our property (easier to identify with the leaves still on the trees). I tapped these trees and tried my hand at making maple syrup. It takes a lot of a sap to make a small amount of syrup, but the syrup is tasty on top of pancakes.

This maple tree produces about 5 gallons of sap a week.
Boiling sap down into syrup.
Results of my syrup making efforts!