Starting to Hang the Ceiling

Started to install the pine tongue-and-groove boards on the ceiling. Decent progress for only one person doing the install, but I think it may get a bit harder once I get further up the ceiling. Installing the boards in the cathedral ceiling area will definitely be a challenge.

Three rows of pine above the dining room area.
A few more rows installed in the loft area.


With the well being drilled and having water available at the cabin, I decided to focus on the kitchen: it will be nice to wash dishes in a sink. The drywall on walls and ceiling in the hallway and kitchen were finished and we let the kids prime the walls. Next up was to paint the ceiling with a semi-gloss and then to paint the walls in the kitchen. Once this was done I moved to the cabinets. These were crafted using 1/2″ maple veneered plywood for the carcass, and rough cut red oak planed down to 3/4″ for the face. We decided to stain the oak cabinets the same color we will be using on the oak stairs. Next up is to install the counter top, followed by building the cupboard doors and drawers. If all goes well, we will have a functional kitchen by the new year.

Painted walls, ceiling, and the installation of the kitchen cabinets.
We had our first significant snow fall this past week: over 10″ at the cabin.
winter deer
Captured on the Critter Cam.