A Nice Day To Be Outside

Well, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done inside the cabin, but it is livable and this past weekend visit actually presented some nice weather. So, after dealing with snow and cold at the cabin for the past 4 months, I took advantage of the weather to do some work outside.

First up is the lane going back to the cabin. What a mess. Rains and spring thaw make the lane nearly impassable. I have scheduled for work to be done on the lane in 2 weeks. Hopefully 30 tons of shale will make a difference to the road. I’ll update on the results after the work is completed.

Better have 4-wheel drive to make it back this road.

I cleaned up around the outside of the cabin. There were still bits and pieces laying about since the exterior construction finished at the end of last year. Also decorated the front up a bit to include a “door bell” and a friendly bear welcoming you to our cabin.

Can’t wait for warmer weather to enjoy the front porch on a more frequent basis.

Of course I had to pull out Big Blue. Seems that the battery made it through the cold winter and after coaxing it started up. Just like it was when I put it away in the fall, except it looked like a squirrel enjoyed one snack of an acorn on the floor of the golf cart, but aside from a mess of shells, everything checked out fine.

Big Blue is ready for another season.

Finally, I had to move the fire ring. I had it placed on top of some back fill, which consisted mostly of clay. About 2 weekends ago I went to make a fire in the ring, only to find that it was full of water. I move the ring uphill a bit, and placed it in a place where it drained well (I checked it out by dumping water into the ring to verify it did drain). I found I nice pile of flat rocks and stacked them up against the outside of the metal fire ring. Now we are ready to start cooking outside and enjoying evenings by the fire.

Fire ring built and ready to use.