The Work Continues

I spent the past weekend continuing to hang drywall in the cabin. The inside is starting to come together, but it is going a bit slow when it comes to finishing the drywall. Since the temperatures still drop below freezing at night, I am only able to mud the drywall later in the day Saturday. That way everything has warmed up and it still has all of the day Sunday to dry before I close up the cabin to come home. I can’t wait for spring time and warmer temperatures.

Looking from the dining room area. The hall way, kitchen, and lower bedroom have all of the drywall installed.
Looking at the living room area. Still need to hang drywall on the front wall.
The dining room area still needs some pieces installed above and below the windows.
The downstairs bedroom can now be slept in, even though I still need to do a bit more sanding on the walls and ceiling.
Installed a ceiling fan in the loft to help move the hot air around.