Flooring Purchased

Work continues at the cabin as we hang more drywall and do more mudding. We did purchase the flooring for the cabin; about 52 boxes of it. Now I have to get the drywalling and painting completed before I can start laying the floor.

Flooring sits in the garage, waiting to be transported to the cabin.

Also, we continue to get visits from our friend the opossum. He may end up being our new camp mascot. Lawson the Awesome Opossum!

Our friend, Lawson the Awesome Opossum.

Hanging Drywall

Work continues on the inside of the cabin. The drywall has been hung in the downstairs bedroom, with the taping and first coat of mud completed. Hoping to get this room completed and painted by the end of February.

First coat of mud on the drywall in the downstairs bedroom.

We also had a visitor recently. It is nice to see the wildlife is still active even during the winter months.
