Another Meeting With The Builder

This past weekend I headed back up to the property. I had two tasks for this trip and it was a short one. I headed up on Friday evening, leaving home at 6:00PM, and was back home on Saturday afternoon, about 1:00PM. The main reason for the trek up to the property was to meet with the builder. We had made some changes to the position of the cabin and I wanted him to be aware of them. I also had a surprise for Shari: a willow tree that I wanted to plant on the lower, wet portion of the property.

The address on the post marks the property, as does The Hiking Spot rock.

Art, the gentleman building the cabin for us, showed up a little after 8:00AM. We did a walk around the property. I showed him how we changed the orientation of the cabin. I also showed him where the outhouse was going to be place. I asked Art when he could start on the cabin and he said probably not for another 6 weeks: just after the 4th of July holiday. He did say he would get the excavator in there sooner to do some terracing of the property and to dig the holes for the posts. He said once they started they would probably have the shell up in 8 to 10 working days. Hopefully Shari and I will be able to start working on the inside of the cabin around the end of July.

Aerial view of the property and where the cabin will sit (the large brown square).

After Art left I walked to the corner of the property that was a bit wet and picked a spot to plant the willow tree. Once the tree was planted I put up deer netting to keep the deer from eating the vegetation and to prevent young bucks from rubbing against it. The willow can get to be 40′ tall, but I have a feeling it will be quite a few years before we see it reach those heights.

Willow tree with deer netting.